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5 stars
by out of Bixxx
on August 15th 2024
Subaru SS-102-BK Oil Filter Anti-Drain Adapter, accepts the factory recommended oil filters
Length of ownership: 1 day-1 week
Pros: I came across Baxter Performance on Facebook while searching for upgrades to my 2024 Subaru Crosstrek Wilderness. Didn't really notice the Death Rattle of the Valvetrain until i focused listening for it (Turning off the radio and the Blower off max helps) then i could here what you guys were talking about, now that i think about it my BMW X1 had the same issue using the cartridge oil filter that sits on top of the engine. Engine is nice and quiet on start up now and should prolong the life.
Cons: Nothing Negative to Report so far. Works as advertised and is well engineered.